If you’ve been on a few job interviews, you’ll know the typical questions asked: “Why do you want this position?” “What are your strengths?” “What are your weaknesses?” “Can you tell me about yourself?”

While these questions may be typical, your answers should be anything but.

When a hiring manager is interviewing a large number of people for one position, he/she is looking for responses that stand out from the rest. One way to do this is to show, not tell. Anyone can say “I like working with others”, or “I’m dependable”. You’ll need to back up those statements with examples from your past. Tell a story about the time you spent an extra four hours at work helping your boss complete a project. It’ll sound a lot more authentic than “I’m loyal and dedicated.”

StoryPathing™ is a great tool for discovering stories like this – ones that are already inside you. Upon completion of the program, you’ll have a story that will be sure to set you apart from the competition.